Tag Archives: exercise

These “Sneaks” Are Made for Walking

16 Feb

It’s official. I am one of “those” people at the gym.  You’ve seen them.  They are the ones with matching shorts and shirt, clean crisp towel, gym bag in hand  and of course the footwear… Ah, yes, they are the ones with the extra fancy, super-duper supportive sneakers.  I have said this time around since I am serious about my workout I would become one of “those” people. My husband surprised me this weekend with a pair of Fuchsia and Black Reeboks.  They are so FLY! (By the way, does anyone say FLY anymore? lol.)  I was telling him after my workout last week how I was in desperate need of a new pair of sneakers.  On Friday night after our “date” night with the kiddos, he surprised me with a shoe box on my dresser. On another note: we have started this “friendly” competition of seeing who can outdo the other, he has won for now but oh wait until my Valentine’s Day surprise.) 

These sneakers are going to come in handy since I have worn a pair of old, tired Nike’s and  Curves sneakers that really don’t have much traction.  I am not a sneaker girl.  In fact, I really don’t know how to buy sneakers.  Ever since I can remember I have always loved heels. I remember the day it happened. I was watching Three’s company with my mother and Crissy came walking out in cork wedged heels and shorts. I kept looking and thinking how much I admired how long and lean she looked and how beautiful those heels looked.  And the rest is history.  I can buy heels like you wouldn’t believe but when it comes to casual shoes like sneakers I am totally sneaker illiterate.  Thank God for my husband.  Today’s workout was much better since having my new footwear.  The only problem is breaking them in.  During my first cardio class the sneakers and I were doing a Tango.  Both trying to figure out who was in the lead.  By the time I got to Zumba class we both were on the same page.   Apparently, having the right shoes is essential to any workout. Check out this story, WIS-News 10, a local television station did about having the “right” running shoes.  Running (sigh) something I hope to do one day.

Zero to 5K: On the importance of footwear

In His Super Grace


Food for Thought

1 Feb

I did it. I attended my first Weight Watchers meeting on Monday.  I was a bit overwhelmed by the process at first however, I am glad I did. Before I share about my experience let me just clear this up. I am NOT joining Weight Watchers because J. Hud has lost all that weight.  No, I am joining because I need accountability and their points system really intrigues me.  I have done my research, spoken to several people about the program and decided to travel almost twenty minutes away from home to attend Monday’s meeting. 

When I arrived at Harvest Baptist Church I was almost intimidated. The parking lot was full.  At first, I thought it was a Sunday morning service.  Little did I know that what was going on inside was reminiscent to small group bible study.   Once I entered the fellowship hall I met Joanie, the class facilitator and lifetime member with Weight Watchers.  She went over some information about the Weight Watchers then allowed me to sit in on the weekly meeting.  Today’s topic: Eating during the Super Bowl.  I found a seat in the back of the room.  For years, I would be very skeptical of these type of “support groups” but here I am sitting in this metal chair in desperate need of support.  Joanie talked to us about sticking with the “points” even with attending a Super Bowl party.  She spoke about eating a meat lovers pizza with all the most fattest meat  and how “bad” you feel afterwards. I giggled to myself because actually I feel pretty good afterwards.  Seriously, I noticed a common theme throughout the meeting  I must renew my mind to eating. Until this point, I never planned what I ate nor did I really consider portion control. All things Weight Watchers highly urge you do.  I must PLAN to eat healthy, I must PLAN to change or substitute my high sodium diet and I must PLAN to stay within my allocated points if I truly want success.  Romans 12:2 reads:

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (NIV)

My old stinking thinking had to go and go soon! In this meeting I also learned there is a difference between a snack and a treat. Did you know that? I guess I never thought about it.  But as I sat in this meeting once again my thoughts challenged me.  How could have eaten so poorly for so long and other destructive habits.  However, I did get some encouragement.  I learned people who keep food journals have good success in weight loss.  I purchased one the night before at Barnes and Noble for $2.  It has really helped me in keeping track of my points and consider what I am eating.    As the meeting started to close, our “Pastor” Joanie celebrated those who have lost weight thus far and ended the meeting with this thought, “We are born to win but we must plan to win…”  Immediately I went home and started putting what I learned to practice. And I started working out… again. That’s for another blog post. Already I notice a difference in my approach to food. I have started retraining myself in using “healthier” food to celebrate milestones and I certainly snack more on veggies(Mom would be proud).  However, I need some really good recipes in my arsenal on those tough days.  Do you have any healthy snacks or dinner suggestions? Please share in the comment line.

In His Super Grace


 See my prior Journey to Health post.

Disclaimer:It is essential that you seek professional advice for all issues about your health. Do not take any of the information in this blog (either in posts or comments) as professional advice.  Posts and comments on this blog are not intended to be used in place of  professional advice, unless implicitly indicated in the blog post.