Tag Archives: Sneakers

Run Forest, Run!

6 Mar

I have not posted in a while on my “wealth to health” so here is an update. I have joined my local YMCA. I have a workout partner and attend at least two classes within two days: Three C’s(core, cardio and conditioning) and Zumba.  I really enjoy Zumba. Did you know you can burn over 1,000 calories in one class? The first time I went I left class drenched in sweat.  It was a good workout.  I still attend my weight watchers meetings.  I have discovered on Pinterest several weight watcher friendly recipes that my family enjoys. (sidenote: some I had to adjust because the point value was under the old system.)   I have changed my eating habits and started drinking more water.  I had a “bad” weight in.  Not sure if you can call it “bad”. I gained a pound, not sure how because my pants are literally falling off.  I am losing inches and that is fine with me.  I am not stressing anymore over the number on the scale.  This is the best I have felt and looked in a long time.  My family is even starting to notice.  My parents came to visit and complimented me on losing weight.  You must understand that is huge coming from my rather vocal west indian parents. 

Then on yesterday I had another discovery.  I ran. Yes, while on my walk in the park as I was listening to worship music, I felt a prompting to run.  My first thought was how? You are probably thinking just get your feet moving.  oh, if it could be that easy.  But I can not remember the last time I just ran without chasing or lunging for my active 1-year-old son. My second thought, what if people see me? You know breathing heavy, arms flailing about like I am having a seizure not so pretty. Again, I felt the urging stronger now to just run. I know it was Christ speaking to me.  One thing I KNOW in all my years of being a born again Christian is when God is prompting me to do something that is outside my comfort zone.  Usually, this call to action is bigger than me and more often than not has spiritual ramifications. So I abandoned all self-doubt, fear and thoughts about others and I ran… and ran… and ran. My chest was tight, burning like I just swallowed gasoline, my legs ached but I RAN.  Within my one mile walk, I ran at least three times.  I may have looked like a sloppy mess but at least I did it.  There is a reward for when you are obedient to the Lord.  Towards the end of my time at the park, I threw my hands in the air, abandoning now all thoughts of who is around me and completely without shamed starting thanking God for the ability to run.  Oh, how we take the little things for granted! Immediately, I had this thought, I would actually do that again, run that is.  There is so much the Lord has taught me during this season of my “wealth of health” about Him, I one day hope to write more about it.  Until then, I am enjoying my Rocky Balboa moment and pray you have one today too.

In His Super Grace


Rocky Balboa

These “Sneaks” Are Made for Walking

16 Feb

It’s official. I am one of “those” people at the gym.  You’ve seen them.  They are the ones with matching shorts and shirt, clean crisp towel, gym bag in hand  and of course the footwear… Ah, yes, they are the ones with the extra fancy, super-duper supportive sneakers.  I have said this time around since I am serious about my workout I would become one of “those” people. My husband surprised me this weekend with a pair of Fuchsia and Black Reeboks.  They are so FLY! (By the way, does anyone say FLY anymore? lol.)  I was telling him after my workout last week how I was in desperate need of a new pair of sneakers.  On Friday night after our “date” night with the kiddos, he surprised me with a shoe box on my dresser. On another note: we have started this “friendly” competition of seeing who can outdo the other, he has won for now but oh wait until my Valentine’s Day surprise.) 

These sneakers are going to come in handy since I have worn a pair of old, tired Nike’s and  Curves sneakers that really don’t have much traction.  I am not a sneaker girl.  In fact, I really don’t know how to buy sneakers.  Ever since I can remember I have always loved heels. I remember the day it happened. I was watching Three’s company with my mother and Crissy came walking out in cork wedged heels and shorts. I kept looking and thinking how much I admired how long and lean she looked and how beautiful those heels looked.  And the rest is history.  I can buy heels like you wouldn’t believe but when it comes to casual shoes like sneakers I am totally sneaker illiterate.  Thank God for my husband.  Today’s workout was much better since having my new footwear.  The only problem is breaking them in.  During my first cardio class the sneakers and I were doing a Tango.  Both trying to figure out who was in the lead.  By the time I got to Zumba class we both were on the same page.   Apparently, having the right shoes is essential to any workout. Check out this story, WIS-News 10, a local television station did about having the “right” running shoes.  Running (sigh) something I hope to do one day.

Zero to 5K: On the importance of footwear

In His Super Grace
