Tag Archives: Midlands

What’s In A Name

16 Apr

Hey, there gorgeous!

Today, someone called me the wrong name. It happens often.  When you have a name that is not “common” people have a tendency to well make up one for you.  My name is Roshanda, which I pronounce as Ro-shon-da.  It probably should be pronounced Ro-shan-da however, I do not like that pronunciation, and I never have, it sounds pretentious to me.  My mother and father were expecting a boy; Lo and behold they got another girl! As the name story goes, my mother says she was reading “Jet” Magazine a weekly magazine targeted toward African-American readers, founded in 1951 according to Wikipedia. My mom says she saw some person in the magazine with the name “Roshanda,” she thought it was different and decided to go with that one.  Hence, I was named Roshanda.  Now, for anyone who has ever read “Jet” each issue includes the beauty of the week. When I tell the story on how my name came to be, I say, I was named after the beauty of the week.

Growing up I never liked my name much.  Seriously, what is a “Roshanda?” I was the only one in my class surrounded by an abundance of “Jennifer’s.”  By the way, Jennifer was a popular name in the 70’s. Matter of fact, my five imaginary friends were all named, you guessed it, Jennifer.  My uncommon name hang-ups weren’t just at school, but when I got home too.  My older sister is named Lisa. Yes, you heard correctly, Lisa. My sister, like most, would torment me with the story about being adopted since my name was not as common as hers. (Evil sister!)

Seriously, what’s a name anyway?  In a day when people name their children after fruit, a color in the crayon box, or even just make it up what’s the big deal?  Well, a lot.  When I decided to have my own children a lot of thought went into the name.  I thought about it all. I said the name, I screamed the name, and I imagined what it would look like on a graduation program and how the initials would look on a monogrammed tote.  I may have been a little obsessive, but I know what it is like to have an unusual name.  My husband and I really wanted names that connected with our faith in Christ.  So when it came to our daughters name we prayed and hence the name: Jael Kaelyn.  Jael is a Hebrew named pronounced (Yah-el).  I like the Hebrew pronunciation, but knew people would not get that right.  So we call her (Jah-el). Her whole name means: strength of God delivered.  And I can testify He certainly has! All of our children have significance in their name.  The reason is simply in the Bible people named their children based upon where they were going or where they left.  There is power in a name.  I believe what we name our children has a great significance on who they will later become.

How about you? Do you like your name? If you could change it, what would you change it to and why?


In His Super Grace


23 Feb

So overjoyed for my friend and fellow blogger Staci Rutherford. She stepped out of the familiar so can you. What do you need to make some forward steps in? Let her story inspire you!

Every Woman Blog

By:  Staci Rutherford

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch

I found this quote months ago and it made me stop and think about where I am in my life, and where I want to be.  I have many goals that I want to accomplish, but often struggle with determining what to do first.  My time management and procrastination issues often leave me wondering how I will get it all done.  I follow a group of bloggers who are my source of motivation, because they are living a life doing what they love.  I have already established my love of handbags, and nothing would make me happier than turning my passion into a profitable business and life-long career.  Since my last post, I finally made the first move.

Before I share my exciting news, I must acknowledge two dynamic women who have come into…

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Who is Cheering You On?!

9 Feb

Rah, Rah, Sis, Boom Bah… This post is really not about that kind of cheering but rather who is pushing you with their kind words towards a goal.  As many of you know I have been on a health journey since last Thanksgiving.  Recently, I joined Weight Watchers and started working out at the YMCA.  One of the parents at my daughters school is a substitute instructor at the Y.  My new friend, we’ll call her “Beth” texted me earlier this week and told me about a 9:30am exercise class.  Of course she was going and invited me.    There is something you should know about “Beth”.  She really enjoys the gym.  When “Beth” is not working out she is working out at home, even running her driveway with her children.  I really admire her passion to eat and live healthier.  As you can imagine I was a bit apprehensive about exercising with a workout instructor.  Anyway, I ran into “Beth” at school and of course she asked if I would see her at the gym. I could not back out now, right?  Whelp, I made it to the gym about 8:15am after dropping my children off at school.  I briskly walked around the track as I waited for the Pilates class to begin.  I figured I can handle Pilates. Seriously how hard is stretching?  Well, about 45 minutes later I was “stretched out” on my mat.  My friend “Beth” took the class with one bounced up off the floor and was ready for the next class, the actually class she wanted me to take.  I decided to stick around and take the Heart C. Training class.  It’s a combination of cardio and weights.  It was a bit challenging but I really enjoyed it.  Seriously, I want to go back next week.  During class “Beth” checked on me, offering modifications and encouraging me to make sure to drink water.  After class I received a high-five from “Beth” and the instructor. 

I am so grateful for “Beth’s”  encouragement standing behind and pushing me (almost literally).  The support and kind words, the pat on the back and the high-five make it much more  bearable on days like this week when doing the “right” things seems so painfully wrong.  So I ask who is pushing you from behind towards your goal? or who are you pushing towards success? I am not sure if they told you yet but I am certainly grateful for “Beth” she has made my road to health a smoother ride.  Thank you!

In His Super Grace


7 Feb

Find Your “Happy” Place… it could save your life!

Every Woman Blog

By: Roshanda Pratt

Here is a question, Do you know what brings you joy? You know the thing that brings you the greatest peace, allows you to breathe and fills a place of purpose in your life.  Since 7 years old I have had a great interest in anything involving creativity.  As a young child my mother purchased me a sewing machine.  I remember her coming home one day with a box of scraps from her friend who worked in a fabric factory.  Needless to say my Barbie was the most well dressed doll in the neighborhood.  I loved working with crafts.  The creative process helps me to say “Ahh!!!”

Then life happened…I grew up, started a professional career and left behind my “happy” place.  I finally returned when I realized once again my busy lifestyle and hectic job was sucking the life out of me.  I needed to say…

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Freestyle Friday: Crafting with Purpose

3 Feb
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” Reverend  Dr. Martin Luther King

Each Friday, I usually post an easy weekend craft project.  This week I am doing something a bit different in hopes that will prompt all my crafty friends to use your gifts to spark creativity while helping women in their next journey of life.  Earlier, this week I shared my love of jewelry making with a dynamic group of women.  The class consisted of 3 women, 1 teenager and a nine year-old girl, all of which whom live in a Transitional women’s shelter about 25 minutes from my home.  I did not know what to expect, I had thoughts about what these women may have gone through.  Honestly, I had prepared myself for the worst but it was nothing how I had imagined.  These women were jovial, optimistic, fun and want to make their own way!  There is no sign of pity, rather the complete opposite that room was full of hope!

I thought the group the basic techniques to make a simple pair of earrings…but three pairs later we were swapping stories, giggling and talking about the gifts God gives us.  At the end of the night the women asked me to come back, next time showing them how to make bracelets or necklaces.   We had a great time.  However, the greatest part of the night for me was sharing how important each woman is to God, His plan for their life and the gifts He has placed inside them.

The Reverend Dr. King  asked an important question, “What are you doing for others?”  I ask you that same question as well. What are you doing to make someone’s life better?  Many times we think that means giving money, clothes, cars or the alike.  But giving of our time one of the most valuable assets can serve as a greater gift. So if you are a crafter why not take some time out of designing and share your gift with the world, you’ll be better for it.

Here are some pictures from this week’s craft time with the women.  Special shout-out to Arts and Crafts store Michaels of Sumter, SC for donating the supplies.  It is so awesome to have corporate businesses that are also community partners. THANK YOU Michaels!

The supplies from Michaels


Ms. Toni(r) employee at the shelter and "Den Mother" of the group


The Finished Product Part 1

Finished Product Part 2

Finished Product Part 3

In His Super Grace


The Balancing Act

17 Jan

Happy New Year!  I am throwing the word “balance” out of my vocabulary in 2012. Why? It does not exist.  For years, as long as I can remember I have been trying to find a “perfect balance” or “equality” in my life and I have finally discovered it won’t work for me.  Now, I will probably have some people disagree, and this is your right however, let me outline my case.  I am a wife, mother of three young children, a ministry leader, business owner, blogger and the list goes on.  As you can imagine, my days start rather early and end rather late.

For the past year, since our youngest child was born I have been trying to “even” out the scales of my life.  I have had dear friends who are very concerned tell me I need to find “balance.”  Well what does that exactly look like?  The other day I was talking to a dear friend who has three young children, a business and a husband in ministry who seems to have her day programmed like clockwork.  Each time we speak, she would tell me how “balanced” her life is.  Usually, at the end of the conversation, I would ask myself: “What am I missing?”  How does it seem like one end of my life is like a see saw, one end really high and the other stuck in the dirt!?  Recently, I have been thinking about “balance.”   Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word as the following:

“A state of equilibrium, to equal or equalize in weight, weigh, to bring or come to a state or position of balance.”

So it is safe to imply the word balance implies all things equal. But can this really be possible in life? Here is my case study:  As a wife/mother my children rely on me often than they do daddy. It is just natural. I am not sure how it is in your house.  But my children will bypass Daddy who is in the kitchen and ask me for something to drink. Really?  Honestly, this really makes me mad. However, no matter how I try to explain it to those to ask Daddy, I still hear my name being shouted from across the house.  Now that is unfair.  But at the same time, I as the nurturing one, these children somehow associate me with juice.  So where is the balance in that? How about getting up in the middle of the night to nurse, deal with baby puke, etc, etc, etc.  Please understand I am not minimizing my husband’s role, but more often than not the children are yelling my name or crying for me.

I have learned it is not “balance” I am seeking or should be seeking but rather “PRIORITY.” What is important, and pursue that.  This thought has really taking a lot of pressure off me.  So now I think in terms of “priority” and not in terms of “balance.”  Family time, times with God and in prayer, times to create, times with friends and time to be alone in complete stillness are all priorities and for me to try to put it in balance minimizes or reduces the significant of each task.  For example, my time with my family cannot compare to my personal time where I am creating.  And for me to try to make them equal on both ends seems really unequal.  So on the days I really rather be in my bead/craft room making beautiful things for hours, priority says “No!” go spend time with your family.  When I want to spend hours on my laptop priority says “Unplug, spend time with your husband.”

So in 2012, I am starting a revolution of sorts to ban “balance” from my life and rather seek a life of priority that is out of balance.  Will you join me on this new found adventure of Freedom?

In His Super Grace


Brownies, Cakes and Pies, Oh My!

1 Dec

I wrote this recent post for Lexington Medical Center’s Every Woman Blog. I wanted to share it with you because honestly, I need the encouragement.  Please post comments here or over there just make to leave ’em. Here is what I wrote:

I love the holidays.  It is such a great time with family and friends.  However, after house hopping and picking up plates or eating at every location, I realized the holidays are bad for my waistline.  So I am doing something rather unconventional.  I am boycotting the holiday feast all together, well sort of.  I am avoiding the sweets! (Whatcha talkin bout Willis)  I know really, I picked the worst time to start this or did I?  I have tried several times to kick the sweet/carb life with it only to last for a short season.  No, there are no health issues, but I discovered something about myself the other day.  Here goes my confession: I am a thirty something woman who eats like she is a child.

I enjoy eating fruits and veggies, but of late I eat as my friend would say “dead food.”  What is dead food? Food that is processed, loaded in sugar, empty calories, dyed and overall F-A-K-E.  I have also been a professed “foodie.”  I enjoy food.  My family is from the Caribbean, so in our culture we celebrate everything around food.  If you get married there is a party with a big spread, someone gets divorced there is a party with a big spread, you have a baby, there is a party with a big spread, etc, etc, etc. I think you get where I am coming from.  About a month ago I decided to crucify my desires.  Not so I can get into a dress, but because I want to live long and strong for my family.  I am well aware there is an enemy already trying to take me out, why help him (John10:10).   Besides, with all the things I am active in; my health must be up to par to maintain it, right? So I started with the one basic question: “When do I find myself turning to sweets?”  The answer:  During times when I am happy and when I am sad.  Well, that is pretty much all the time.

Now that I know I am an emotional eater it is time to do something about it.  I am a firm believer that things cannot change if they remain in the dark.  I decided with this month’s blog I would expose myself in hopes of encouraging you to tackle TODAY an area you KNOW you need to CHANGE.  I have found personally excuses rob you of your tomorrow, potential, and dreams.  Sure, I could have waited to the New Year and do the whole resolution thing, but for me it would not have been authentic.  I needed to start NOW!

As long as I can remember I have had this love-hate relationship with food.  Here it is plain: I am the kind of girl who can eat a whole package of Oreo cookies in a day. I am the kind of girl who can eat an apple pie covered in cinnabon frosting in a day. I am the kind of girl who can eat a whole batch of freshly made brownies. Whew!  That was difficult to confess.  But if you don’t admit where you are how can you change?  This is not a diet, rather a lifestyle change.  Sugar breaks down your immune system, makes you sluggish and I don’t know about you, but it gives me a rush and when I “crash” I am rather cranky.   For the past few weeks I have done well.  Over the weekend I attended two events where there was a smorgasbord of sweets.  I said no, even when I was encouraged to have just a small piece.  I am serious. I have got to get this “craving” under control.  Here is what I plan to do.

I must preface this by saying I am not a doctor and this is what I plan to do for ME, I am not advising you to do this.

1.  DETOX: I am taking an herbal cleansing to get all that sugar out of my tank.  I am realizing more and more than food is for fuel. Like my gas tank sugar is damaging.

2.  LEARN TO SAY NO: This means it is okay to deny myself.  I don’t always have to reward myself with food.  I must have other ways to celebrate accomplishments and other ways to deal with times I am stressed.  Moderation is key, but my reward for healthier eating habits is a long life!

3.  ACCOUNTABILITY: I need help! I must have people in my life to hold my accountability to this, check in with me, and call me on the carpet when they see me going back to destructive habits.

4.  CHANGE MY MIND: I must learn to replace the bad habits. Basically, I have to deal with the mental struggles with why I run to food.  I have found a really great book that is helping.  It is called Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst.   This book has totally changed my life.  I have never read a book that speaks so plainly about food while teaching the craving I have is naturally just in the wrong direction.

Could I be taken my sweet-tooth too seriously? No! Again, I want to change my life. I want to live a long satisfying life.  But I must be a good steward over this body.  If you so feel inclined leave a word of encouragement or share your journey to a better you in the comment section. I promise I do read them and it may be the boost I need on days when I really want to down a whole bag of pretzel m&m’s.

High School Skinny: But enjoying my favorite time of the day, lunch!
Preggo with the second born. The only time in my life I really considered what I ate.
