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11 Sep

Sleepless in SC.. can you relate?

Every Woman Blog

By: Roshanda Pratt

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Celebrate You!

31 May

I am writing this post on my 30-something birthday!(May 31st) The clock reads: 2:04am. I should be sleeping but I am wide awake with excitement. Today, as people celebrate me I want to pose a question to you. When was the last time you celebrated yourself? I mean really celebrated without it being a birthday?  Although excited  about the Facebook birthday posts, cards, calls and gifts.  However, I am most excited about the birthday celebration I am throwing myself.

I believe you should honor others, rejoice with them, and cheer them on.  But I also think many of us have developed this attitude to celebrate ourselves means we are being arrogant and self consuming.  I disagree.  I have spent the better part of the early years of my life depressed; not liking myself.  I had birthday parties, even surprise parties where people gathered together to honor me but on the inside I did not even like me.  Trust me, its hard to enjoy a party when you have self-esteem issues.  It gives new meaning to that song… “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.”

My life changed in college.  It when then I vowed after a friend told me I was good at celebrating others but horrible at giving myself the same permission.  I decided whether no one else did or did not I would love me enough to applaud me.  So back to my original question: “When was the last time you celebrated you?” You don’t have to wait until your birthday, you can do it when you meet a goal or just because.

So as my friend told me many years ago, I give you permission to buy a hamburger and put a candle in it… it’s your special day because YOU are worth celebrating.

Happy YOU Day!

In His Super Grace






Reading, Writing & Arithmetic: What I do not miss about school

25 May

Little “Ro” as a 5th grader, at least I think. It was so long ago.

This week’s writing prompt from Mama Kat’s poses the following question: What about school do you miss the least?  How apropos (check me out using my SAT words) as my 6-year-old graduates from Kindergarten this week. I always enjoyed school.  People laugh when I tell them I really enjoy learning. You can laugh now too.  Seriously, even now in my thirties, I enjoy learning new things, storing the info in my brain so I can later share it with others.  Nerdy, yes but it has been beneficial in those awkward moments on the elevator (Here’s a random fact: Did you know: A mosquito has 47 teeth.  And only female mosquitoes bite, they need protein from the blood or their eggs? Feel free to use the next time you are at the family cookout. Special thanks to Random Facts.)Well let me get straight to the point.  I do not like Math.  As a child it just seems like I could never wrap my brain around subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, calculus. I hated it. I actually would get a sinking feeling in my stomach.  You can imagine I was just as sadden when I discovered in college as a mass communication major I had to take statistics and macro economics.  Really? Torture. And it seems every time I had a math class it always involved the hardest teacher ever! For example,  my first year taking stats, my teacher was known as “Terminating Turner”.  She had a reputation of actually preventing Seniors from graduating.  She was known for giving pop quizzes with one problem.  Rarely wrote on the board and would not go above and beyond to work with you.  I shudder just to think about that woman.  I had to take that class over.  The next year I had a biker chick named Robin. She insisted we called her by her first name. Robin was cool but she was very supportive.  She stayed after class, held office hours and had an attitude that she really wanted me to get this and not glory in tormenting me in this subject. I passed stats that year with a “C”. Hallelujah!As a thirty-something mother of 3, I still don’t like math all that much. Matter of fact, when my husband and I newlyweds, we met with a financial consultant, I refused.  Talking about money with results in talking about math still is not fun.  However, I enjoy being a business owner and talking about profits, which again involves math. Umm, maybe I am growing up.Anyway, my  6-year-old has discovered the wonderful world of math this year.  She is smart cookie. I know I could be bias. However, some of the math problems have been difficult, especially when you have to plug-in the missing number.  For example: 3+blank=7. I saw her frustration. I even got frustrated at times too.  But one thing I had to keep reminding myself is to “not making her hate it.”  I remember as a child my parents sitting with me at the table going over math problems.  My parents became frustrated because I was not getting it, I became frustrated because my thought was “why doesn’t my brain work.” From that point I started to hate math.  So, I had to get in it with her and even though I rather do reading comprehension(Reading/English were my favorite subjects) I had to help her push pass “the hate” and see that with a little time and effort she could get through it.  And we did! Thank you Lord!This week’s writing prompt has me looking at things differently. Instead of saying I hate math maybe now that I have grown up I can say I do not enjoy math but can appreciate why we have to learn it. Now that is maturity speaking there folks(haha).

Now it is your turn. What do you miss least about school? Go ahead and fuss up.

In His Super Grace


My Life In Song

17 May

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician.

I often think in music.

I live my daydreams in music.

I see my life in terms of music.”

– Albert Einstein

I decided to take part in my first writing prompt.  When I started blogging last year I thought I would never run short of ideas.  Lately, I have hit a wall, a brick wall, really hard.  Mama Kat from Mama’s Losing It is hosting a writing workshop this month where she gives a list of writing ideas you can choose from.  I consider myself a musician, at least in my mind.  Ever since I can remember I have enjoyed music although I have never played an instrument, Umm.. maybe I will add that to my list: Learn how to play an instrument. Anyway, I digress…

So, here goes it.. The Songs that tell my life (so far)

This is the Stuff

I am not sure why, but it seems when I am always in a rush,which is often I lose my keys, my glasses, the kids(lol).   Does this happen to anyone else? Since the first time I heard this song I was like this is my life’s anthem from start to finish.  But it is also a gentle reminder how really blessed I am.  As someone once told me, “You’re blessed to be busy.” Selah.

It’s Not Over

This is the year of BIG in our household.  My 6-year-old graduates from first grade next week. My son turns 2 in June and starts 2k in August.  My 4-year-old is starting a gymnastics class.  My birthday is at the end of the month, I am moving forward in a new business venture and for the first time I am getting serious about my health.  And my husband  has several great opportunities before him.  However,  in all this great stuff we had to deal with some tough times but thank the Lord  “It’s Not Over.”  Be encouraged today my friends, “When God is in it, there is NO limits and it’s not over!”

Vicki Yohe-I’m At Peace 

If I could sing, which I can not! I would want to sing like this! Seriously, I have listened to this women since college.  And without fail she has given me the ability to think less about what is going on around me and focus my attention on He who keeps me in perfect peace.

Canton Jones- 5 seconds ft. Milliyon OFFICIAL VIDEO 

This is my get hype song.  This dude, yes, I said dude, Canton Jones is the bomb dot com. Yes, this mama said it. My children enjoy his music.  When we have a praise party at the house this is who we are pumping… so turn up your speakers and Gooooo WILD!!! 🙂

I’m sexy and I know it via M&M’s

Besides the fact that I like M&M’s this commercial is HIGH-larious! Each and every time I laugh as if it’s the first time.  We also play this song in Zumba class which provokes even more laughs.  They say you burn calories from laughing… I kinda believe it!

So what is your life song now and why? I want to hear it!

In His Super Grace


Mother’s Day: What this Mom Really Wants

12 May

I need to fold laundry. I need to mop the kitchen. Instead here I am writing a blog post about Mother’s Day.  I know every mom blogger has written or will write a blog post about Mother’s Day.  Well, here’s another. As a mother of a 6,4 and almost 2-year-old I usually get a lot of handmade gifts from school and church.  No complaints here. I love handmade gifts.  However, I have a list of some things that would make me a happy mama this Mother’s Day.

Here is my list in no particular order:

  1. a child who won’t puke on me or any object near me. (True story: Last Mother’s Day my son vomited all over my new outfit at church)
  2. not to referee any fights especially over a doll, ball or matter of fact any toys
  3. to sleep in past 7am on saturday
  4. To not say the following words all weekend: “stop it” “don’t do that!” “If I have to pull this car over!” “Do your ears work?” ” You got one more time!”
  5. to use the bathroom without the following happening: A) an impromptu family meeting B) Children who are thirsty and need me to fix them a drink( even though they passed Daddy in the kitchen) C) Children who say things like “We need to come in!” D) My son pressing his face and tiny fingers under the crack of the door
  6. to shower without an audience(see above)
  7. to wear my nice clothes without becoming a human napkin (Wipe Here 😦 )
  8. not being awaken at 3am because of a tummy ache resulting in my having to share my bed with my husband and a (wild sleeper) of a child.
  9. to not have surprises awaiting me when I get the little man out of the crib (I will let you use your imagination here)
  10. to not yell for my husband as if I am a teenage sister…”Will you get them to stop , please?!
  11. and finally, to get through a day without someone breaking down in tears due to the following: not liking what’s on their plate, what they are wearing, what someone else is wearing or “just because”

This is totally in humor. I love my little blessings.  I am laughing but I take my role as a mom very serious.  I have the task of shaping young women and men who will grow up and have their own family.  It is my desire to do the job well so their husbands and wives will thank God for me.  To all my Mom’s out there Happy Mother’s Day and if no one told you today, “Thank you for all you do both seen and unseen.”

So, if you could come up with your own list of Mother’s Day gifts what would be on it? Please leave a comment. I do read them.

In His Super Grace (God knows we need it)


PS. I will have a more serious post tomorrow 🙂

The Best things in life are FREE!

9 May

A show of hands, how many you of you like Free stuff?  I know this momma certainly does.  I am not one of those extreme coupon types, at least not yet.  However, after a working mama shared with me how she cut her grocery bill of $242 down to about $12. Yep, I’m sold.  She also told me we should not pay for toilet paper nor paper towels.  Say what? According to her, toilet paper should be Free, nada, zilch.  That sounds great seeing my children go through toilet paper in our house like it is FREE.  Speaking of Free… Let’s get to the topic at hand.

I am one of those women who tries things out first before recommending it to others.  You can be assured the links I give below are trustworthy.  Many of my freebies comes from blogs in which I have become Facebook fans with.  My first deal was a one year subscription to ESPN for my husband for about $4.  Next, I scored FREE paint from ACE hardware when they were giving away paint every Saturday during the month of March.  My first quart of yellow paint (my favorite color) called Sunshine actually covered my whole laundry room. Whoohoo!  But that is not it.  Recently, my husband and I were able to enjoy an Artisan pizza from Domino’s for you guessed it, FREE.  And to work out that pizza I earned a FREE stability ball from FITstudio by just signing up for fitness news via email.

However, there is more, Yes, so much more.  I received this beauty in the mail last week.  A FREE beauty bag of cosmetics, skin care and hair products from Target.  To get it all I had to do was “like” Target on Facebook when they were offering a sign up for the beauty bag giveaway.  I hear they do this giveaway ever so often so keep checking back on their Facebook page.

And look at this! A  box of goodies from Valspar Paint.  The company was giving away certain amounts of free paint of any color choice to online Facebook fans.  The gift box features a small can of paint, paint roller/pan and coupons to use in the future.

I can not begin to tell you how euphoric it is to get something really good for FREE.  I want to share the joy with you my friends.  Below I have a list of sites, I follow either via Facebook or blog for daily super deals.  Again, these are sites I am familiar with and have used with no problems.  If you get a really good deal or snag a Fun FREE item let me know, won’t you?

Have a fabulous time!


Here are the sites for FREE stuff:

The site touts you can find freebies, coupons and more!

On this Facebook page you can freebies, coupons, how-to’s, etc.

Jen says she can save you $54.79 or more daily.

Living large on a limited budget; Sweet who couldn’t use that!

What’s In A Name

16 Apr

Hey, there gorgeous!

Today, someone called me the wrong name. It happens often.  When you have a name that is not “common” people have a tendency to well make up one for you.  My name is Roshanda, which I pronounce as Ro-shon-da.  It probably should be pronounced Ro-shan-da however, I do not like that pronunciation, and I never have, it sounds pretentious to me.  My mother and father were expecting a boy; Lo and behold they got another girl! As the name story goes, my mother says she was reading “Jet” Magazine a weekly magazine targeted toward African-American readers, founded in 1951 according to Wikipedia. My mom says she saw some person in the magazine with the name “Roshanda,” she thought it was different and decided to go with that one.  Hence, I was named Roshanda.  Now, for anyone who has ever read “Jet” each issue includes the beauty of the week. When I tell the story on how my name came to be, I say, I was named after the beauty of the week.

Growing up I never liked my name much.  Seriously, what is a “Roshanda?” I was the only one in my class surrounded by an abundance of “Jennifer’s.”  By the way, Jennifer was a popular name in the 70’s. Matter of fact, my five imaginary friends were all named, you guessed it, Jennifer.  My uncommon name hang-ups weren’t just at school, but when I got home too.  My older sister is named Lisa. Yes, you heard correctly, Lisa. My sister, like most, would torment me with the story about being adopted since my name was not as common as hers. (Evil sister!)

Seriously, what’s a name anyway?  In a day when people name their children after fruit, a color in the crayon box, or even just make it up what’s the big deal?  Well, a lot.  When I decided to have my own children a lot of thought went into the name.  I thought about it all. I said the name, I screamed the name, and I imagined what it would look like on a graduation program and how the initials would look on a monogrammed tote.  I may have been a little obsessive, but I know what it is like to have an unusual name.  My husband and I really wanted names that connected with our faith in Christ.  So when it came to our daughters name we prayed and hence the name: Jael Kaelyn.  Jael is a Hebrew named pronounced (Yah-el).  I like the Hebrew pronunciation, but knew people would not get that right.  So we call her (Jah-el). Her whole name means: strength of God delivered.  And I can testify He certainly has! All of our children have significance in their name.  The reason is simply in the Bible people named their children based upon where they were going or where they left.  There is power in a name.  I believe what we name our children has a great significance on who they will later become.

How about you? Do you like your name? If you could change it, what would you change it to and why?


In His Super Grace


27 Mar

The most recent “debate” in my house…weight in and tell me what you think!

Every Woman Blog

By: Roshanda Pratt

There is a debate going on at my house, a quandary of sorts if you will.  While the world is focused on a Presidential campaign, Occupy Wall Street and March Madness, my husband and I are debating who makes the better peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Before I begin, let me state this disclaimer:  In no way am I making fun of rather serious topics happening in the world right now, however, this is my attempt at some humor.

For some time we have gone back and forth about how you should make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Our girls love PB&J for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They are PB&J groupies!  However, here is where the debate comes in:  When I make peanut butter and jelly, I am more of an equal opportunity gal. You know, spreading peanut butter on both sides of the bread…

View original post 502 more words

Happy I love you forever… to us!

19 Mar

I will admit next to my birthday month, March is my favorite time of all.  7 years ago today, I married the man who I truly believe is just for me.  We just returned from a short trip without our children.  The time was overdue.  We had a wonderful time of connecting, reviving and enjoying one another.For the past few weeks I have thought about how we got to 7 years of marriage.  7 years seems short to our parents 80 years of marriage collectively.  Whoa, that’s a long time of waking up next the same person!

Our story started at Winthrop University.  Affectionately called “The WU”. Winthrop is the place where I met several people who have changed my life in many ways.  First, my Savior, Jesus Christ, friends who later became sisters, my Pastor and his wife and my husband(that handsome guy on the left).

Boy, do I love him.  However, it’s funny to think I did not like him at first.  But, little did we know God had a plan to intertwine our lives.  Our relationship started off as a “work relationship”.  We had mutual friends involved in campus ministries.  We worked closely in helping others fulfill the vision God has placed in their hearts.  Meanwhile, we were both involved in relationships that were not the best.  Let me talk about that for a minute. To all my single ladies (in my Beyonce voice), as a born again Christian it was very important that the guy I was with loved the Lord just as much as I do.  The guy I was “dating” at the time said he’s a Christian but compromised in his relationship with the Lord, thus leading me to compromise as well.  Remember this ladies, whatever the man “is” now he will be that same person once you married.  Ultimately, I let that person go and decided I would be recklessly abandoned to Christ.  No more “dating” for me.   The time alone with Christ was awesome.  Our relationship developed during those times alone, during those times of me being focused that even now many years later I am still experiencing the benefits.

After spending time together, we joke because all of our friends in our group starting “courting” we had no other choice.  We realized our lives had changed and really we liked each other.  As I type this I still remember when I realized “I loved” this man.  I was living in Rock Hill, SC at the time with two other friends. I was standing there in my bedroom looking at my walk-in closet and suddenly felt overwhelmed.  You know the feeling you get when you have a task before you but just don’t know what to do? I became overwhelmed with the thought that this man was precious to God.  I became overwhelmed with the thought that I “sucked” at my previous relationships and never been involved in a healthy relationship with a man where sexual intimacy was not an issue. I  became overwhelmed by his story of his past relationship and did not want him to experience the feelings he had with the “other” woman.  I cried. I mean, I cried the ugly cry, fell to my knees and prayed.  at that moment I realized two things: I really loved this person from a pure place.  In my previous relationships there was still a bit of selfishness but this time I cared more about him than I did about myself. Secondly, the Lord spoke to me and said these simple word which I still remember today and shared with a dear friend when she started “courting.”

This is what I heard: ” Just be a good steward.”

Those words have wrapped around my heart from that day up until the present.  This is really the short story of our courtship.

Engagement pictures taken at Winthrop University(2004)

These last two years have been a testing ground for us.  We are both in ministry, raising three young children under 6 years of age, business owners and involved in our community.  Service is at the core of our relationship, after all it is what brought us together.  However, on my end I had to deal with some feelings that I never had before when our third child was born.  Stress and outside influences were attempting to tear us apart.  We argued, we went to bed mad some nights, I even cried myself to sleep because I “felt” like my needs were not being met.  But something happened, that changed my “mind”.   I realized I was the problem.   Yes, I was the PROBLEM!  I focused too much on what was wrong and did not concentrate on what drew me to love my husband in the first place.  I was not doing what the Lord taught me long ago, ” Just be a good steward.”  Sometime wives we have to do that even when it seems like nothing is changing! So I changed. I returned to my first love(Revelation 2:2-5).  Now, today our marriage is not perfect, however, I rather not grow towards perfection with anyone else.

So here is what I have learned in 7 years of marriage:

Wedding anniversary last year at Swan Lake(photo courtesy: DL Acken Photography)

 1. Communion:  Time with the Lord is key.  When focused on Christ and His promises, I am less consumed with thinking about what my husband is or isn’t doing.   Marriage is holy! It is a holy institution, and we must remember that.  I remember when I read that in the Love Dare  I was totally floored by that concept. I know the Lord is holy but I never equated that with my spouse.  Unfortunately, I believe people including me forget and start treating our spouse like a “dish towel”, a common object.  A “dish towel” wipes up the mess, its wet and sometimes smells, its ordinary. Our spouse is not ordinary.  They are “noble” (2 Timothy 2:20) not plain.

2. Stewardship:  We must remember our spouse is not “ours” but a gift God has entrusted to us.  It is our responsibility to take care of them as Christ would.

3. Watch Your Mouth!:  Words are powerful. You have what you say (Proverbs 18:21).  I was complaining so much about what was happening, I even did it in my prayer.  I had to speak more time speaking about where “we” were heading together, keeping that before my “spiritual eyes”.  I also learned it is very important who you allow to speak into your marriage.  The wrong words from a well-meaning person could be the lighter fluid to an already raging fire.

4. Perspective: What is really true? I had to remind myself my husband is not trying to intentionally hurt me.  I have to make a point to live in the truth, God’s word is the truth.

5. Be obedient: I think this by far has been the most important in the pass few months: I have learned to do what I believe the Lord is leading me to do. I was waiting on my husband but there are things God will speak to you do and may not speak that to your spouse. Don’t condemn them for it, just be obedient.

Since doing the above my relationship with my spouse has changed a lot.  Happy Anniversary baby, here is to 7 plus 60 more years of growing in the GREATER. I love you today, tomorrow and always.

In His Super Grace


DIY ABC Art Work for Nursery

2 Mar
 Happy freestyle Friday! I am so excited about todays craft idea because it has to deal with welcoming a new baby.  I love babies! How they smell, their tiny feet and hands and oh how peaceful they look when sleeping.  Well, I am helping a friend welcome her little girl in the world.  I wanted to create something for the nursery.  I spotted a DIY project by fellow blogger Le Zoe Musings. You’ve gotta to check out her little girls nursery.  It puts my bedroom to shame! Her instructions which I have below are easy to follow(see my version below). I just modified a bit, I used a Dollar Tree picture frame which I painted white. I also scored sticky letters from Michaels for $1.25 on sale. And to highlight the baby’s name I painted my letters with acrylic paint. What do you think?










The following are Le Zoe Musings. Directions via her blog.

Ok. So I know this word has been redundant in my blog but this project really is SIMPLE! Every nursery needs an ABC artwork so why not integrate your baby’s name into it and make it personalized?

It started with a black frame that I got from Ikea’s AS IS section. I had no use for it but b/c it was dirt cheap, I figured I would use it ‘someday.’ Surely enough, I did and it serves its purpose fairly well!

I had to paint the frames stark white b/c nothing in Zoey’s room is black.

Got these white glitter (subtle) letters from Michaels. They always have 40% off coupons on their website so print them out and utilize them.

From my scrapbook stock paper collection, I chose a pale pink as the background and a patterned blue as the letters for Zoey’s name.

A quick glance at the color combo of the artwork and I approved!

Lay the letters out onto the frame so you can have an idea of how it’ll look.

For Zoey’s name, I traced the letters of her name onto the blue card stock and cut them out.

Have fun doing this for your little one. However, zif your child is old enough to spell his/her name this would be a fun project to do with them. Creative bonding time!

To see where this cute artwork lives, please visit Zoey’s Nursery Boutique!

Til next post, Kellie.