Tag Archives: mom blogger

A gift idea: For the woman who has everything

2 Jul

Has this ever happened to any of you? Finding a gift for a person who has everything.  Recently, my mom celebrated her birthday.  Actually it was 3 days after mine.  I always tell her I am her forever birthday gift.  Now you know that’s about cute for a few years, then mom wants you to pony up and get her a real gift.

This year I was at a lost.  I could do the “old” reliable, a gift card.  However, I did that last year.  So when it doubt ask someone who does not know your mommy.  I was talking to my friend Denise and she suggested an idea she saw on Pinterest.  Eureka! Why didn’t I think of that.  My friend suggested I do a hand print craft featured on TresFrenchhens. Here is a picture.

 It is a really cool idea. So I set out to make it happen for my mom.  My first task, find an affordable frame big enough for our little family project for mom.  I went to Goodwill.  This actually was my first time in this thrift store haven.  I racked up not only a good-sized picture frame, a chair for my girls room(my next revamp project), a plate, tambourine for less than $20. Score!

The first thing, I traced all of my families hand prints on coordinating colors of scrapbook paper.  I actually had some on hand(no pun intended).

The frame I purchased for $2.75 actually had a picture inside mounted on heavy cardboard. I did not want to move it because of its durability, instead I used scrapbook paper left over from our hand print and covered part of the picture.

Next, I used Mod Podge to glue down each hand print starting with the biggest down to the smallest. I can tell you it was not easy tracing the hand print of a 2-year-old. We had to do it at least three times. I opted not to put our name but instead my favorite Bible scripture, Proverbs 31:28, “Her children arise up, and call her blessed…”

It was a super easy project and I like how it turned out. You can see my pictures below.  What do you think? In His Super Grace,



Celebrate You!

31 May

I am writing this post on my 30-something birthday!(May 31st) The clock reads: 2:04am. I should be sleeping but I am wide awake with excitement. Today, as people celebrate me I want to pose a question to you. When was the last time you celebrated yourself? I mean really celebrated without it being a birthday?  Although excited  about the Facebook birthday posts, cards, calls and gifts.  However, I am most excited about the birthday celebration I am throwing myself.

I believe you should honor others, rejoice with them, and cheer them on.  But I also think many of us have developed this attitude to celebrate ourselves means we are being arrogant and self consuming.  I disagree.  I have spent the better part of the early years of my life depressed; not liking myself.  I had birthday parties, even surprise parties where people gathered together to honor me but on the inside I did not even like me.  Trust me, its hard to enjoy a party when you have self-esteem issues.  It gives new meaning to that song… “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.”

My life changed in college.  It when then I vowed after a friend told me I was good at celebrating others but horrible at giving myself the same permission.  I decided whether no one else did or did not I would love me enough to applaud me.  So back to my original question: “When was the last time you celebrated you?” You don’t have to wait until your birthday, you can do it when you meet a goal or just because.

So as my friend told me many years ago, I give you permission to buy a hamburger and put a candle in it… it’s your special day because YOU are worth celebrating.

Happy YOU Day!

In His Super Grace






Reading, Writing & Arithmetic: What I do not miss about school

25 May

Little “Ro” as a 5th grader, at least I think. It was so long ago.

This week’s writing prompt from Mama Kat’s poses the following question: What about school do you miss the least?  How apropos (check me out using my SAT words) as my 6-year-old graduates from Kindergarten this week. I always enjoyed school.  People laugh when I tell them I really enjoy learning. You can laugh now too.  Seriously, even now in my thirties, I enjoy learning new things, storing the info in my brain so I can later share it with others.  Nerdy, yes but it has been beneficial in those awkward moments on the elevator (Here’s a random fact: Did you know: A mosquito has 47 teeth.  And only female mosquitoes bite, they need protein from the blood or their eggs? Feel free to use the next time you are at the family cookout. Special thanks to Random Facts.)Well let me get straight to the point.  I do not like Math.  As a child it just seems like I could never wrap my brain around subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, calculus. I hated it. I actually would get a sinking feeling in my stomach.  You can imagine I was just as sadden when I discovered in college as a mass communication major I had to take statistics and macro economics.  Really? Torture. And it seems every time I had a math class it always involved the hardest teacher ever! For example,  my first year taking stats, my teacher was known as “Terminating Turner”.  She had a reputation of actually preventing Seniors from graduating.  She was known for giving pop quizzes with one problem.  Rarely wrote on the board and would not go above and beyond to work with you.  I shudder just to think about that woman.  I had to take that class over.  The next year I had a biker chick named Robin. She insisted we called her by her first name. Robin was cool but she was very supportive.  She stayed after class, held office hours and had an attitude that she really wanted me to get this and not glory in tormenting me in this subject. I passed stats that year with a “C”. Hallelujah!As a thirty-something mother of 3, I still don’t like math all that much. Matter of fact, when my husband and I newlyweds, we met with a financial consultant, I refused.  Talking about money with results in talking about math still is not fun.  However, I enjoy being a business owner and talking about profits, which again involves math. Umm, maybe I am growing up.Anyway, my  6-year-old has discovered the wonderful world of math this year.  She is smart cookie. I know I could be bias. However, some of the math problems have been difficult, especially when you have to plug-in the missing number.  For example: 3+blank=7. I saw her frustration. I even got frustrated at times too.  But one thing I had to keep reminding myself is to “not making her hate it.”  I remember as a child my parents sitting with me at the table going over math problems.  My parents became frustrated because I was not getting it, I became frustrated because my thought was “why doesn’t my brain work.” From that point I started to hate math.  So, I had to get in it with her and even though I rather do reading comprehension(Reading/English were my favorite subjects) I had to help her push pass “the hate” and see that with a little time and effort she could get through it.  And we did! Thank you Lord!This week’s writing prompt has me looking at things differently. Instead of saying I hate math maybe now that I have grown up I can say I do not enjoy math but can appreciate why we have to learn it. Now that is maturity speaking there folks(haha).

Now it is your turn. What do you miss least about school? Go ahead and fuss up.

In His Super Grace


Thank You for Helping Me Grow

18 May

Teacher Appreciation Week was last week at my children’s school and I am late. There is a lot happening here at SuperMOMdel World Headquarters.  Matter of fact, I have not even posted a Freestyle Friday Craft in more than a month.  Do you forgive me?  Thank you , I need lots of grace!

My children have really great teachers.  Next week, is the last day of school.  Last night, I starting my “Growth” project.  Now here is my disclaimer.  I do have a “supplies” list but as the project progressed it took on a life of its own. I made a lot of adjustments mid way but still want to give you options.

Materials: Chalkboard paint, small flowers pots purchased from The DollarTree, Mod Podge, foam brushes, pipe cleaners, white spoons

Materials: Chalkboard paint, small flowers pots purchased from The DollarTree, Mod Podge, foam brushes, pipe cleaners, white spoons

I purchased a set of 3 small flower pots for $1.  I used chalkboard paint I picked up from Lowe’s.  It took about two coats, less than 20 minutes to dry. Around the rim of the flower paint I used white acrylic paint to cover the areas where the chalkboard paint spilled over.

The after picture of both flower pots painted

My 4 year-old daughter says it looks like a flower and that is all that matters. 🙂

When I started this project I had my own ideas on how to make a flower out of a pipe cleaner. As you can see from the above it came out “ok” but there is a great tutorial online.  Thank God for Google.  You can watch the video here.  I followed the tutorial. It was very easy but I thought the flower would be too busy.

The finished product: Still not sure I am going to use due the size of my flower pot

Now that the flower pots are dried it is time to mix up the “Dirt” pudding for the inside. I first heard about “Dirt” pudding when I was working freelance at a Law Firm. We were having a party for one of our colleagues and wanted something fun. One of the women made this pudding in a bucket and served it with a shovel. Super cute presentation, trust me on this one. Mine is the quick and “dirt(y)”, (no pun intended) version. You can see the “real” recipe below. This would also be very cool at a little boys birthday party.

I used store brought pudding but I will mix in chopped up Oreo cookies, everything is better with Oreo cookies, right? And of course you can’t have dirt without worms…gummy worms that is.

I lined the flower pots with clear wrap, so the teachers can eat right out of it. (Smarty Pants). I filled it with the pudding and cut around the edge to make it look a little cleaner.

Finally, I covered the top with chopped up Oreo cookies and added two gummy worms. I also work in chalk around the flower-pot: Thank You For Helping Me Grow.

So, what do you think? Is this a good idea?
In His Super Grace

Lg. flower-pot or sand bucket 2 pkgs. Oreos, crushed 2 pkgs. French vanilla instant pudding with 3 1/2 c. milk 12 oz. Cool Whip, thawed 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese 1 c. powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla
You want to make sure the cream cheese and Cool Whip are really soft, makes it easier to mix. Also, note the mixture stays fluffiest if instead of mixing the cream cheese mixture in with the pudding, you fold it in.  And you can use more Oreos than called for.
Mix Cool Whip, powdered sugar, vanilla, softened cream cheese; mix pudding mixture separately and then add to other mixture. Use foil in bottom of clay pot. Layer Oreos, then pudding mixture, ending with Oreos on the top. Plant with artificial flowers and gummy worms. Serve with sand shovel.

Mother’s Day: What this Mom Really Wants

12 May

I need to fold laundry. I need to mop the kitchen. Instead here I am writing a blog post about Mother’s Day.  I know every mom blogger has written or will write a blog post about Mother’s Day.  Well, here’s another. As a mother of a 6,4 and almost 2-year-old I usually get a lot of handmade gifts from school and church.  No complaints here. I love handmade gifts.  However, I have a list of some things that would make me a happy mama this Mother’s Day.

Here is my list in no particular order:

  1. a child who won’t puke on me or any object near me. (True story: Last Mother’s Day my son vomited all over my new outfit at church)
  2. not to referee any fights especially over a doll, ball or matter of fact any toys
  3. to sleep in past 7am on saturday
  4. To not say the following words all weekend: “stop it” “don’t do that!” “If I have to pull this car over!” “Do your ears work?” ” You got one more time!”
  5. to use the bathroom without the following happening: A) an impromptu family meeting B) Children who are thirsty and need me to fix them a drink( even though they passed Daddy in the kitchen) C) Children who say things like “We need to come in!” D) My son pressing his face and tiny fingers under the crack of the door
  6. to shower without an audience(see above)
  7. to wear my nice clothes without becoming a human napkin (Wipe Here 😦 )
  8. not being awaken at 3am because of a tummy ache resulting in my having to share my bed with my husband and a (wild sleeper) of a child.
  9. to not have surprises awaiting me when I get the little man out of the crib (I will let you use your imagination here)
  10. to not yell for my husband as if I am a teenage sister…”Will you get them to stop , please?!
  11. and finally, to get through a day without someone breaking down in tears due to the following: not liking what’s on their plate, what they are wearing, what someone else is wearing or “just because”

This is totally in humor. I love my little blessings.  I am laughing but I take my role as a mom very serious.  I have the task of shaping young women and men who will grow up and have their own family.  It is my desire to do the job well so their husbands and wives will thank God for me.  To all my Mom’s out there Happy Mother’s Day and if no one told you today, “Thank you for all you do both seen and unseen.”

So, if you could come up with your own list of Mother’s Day gifts what would be on it? Please leave a comment. I do read them.

In His Super Grace (God knows we need it)


PS. I will have a more serious post tomorrow 🙂

The Best things in life are FREE!

9 May

A show of hands, how many you of you like Free stuff?  I know this momma certainly does.  I am not one of those extreme coupon types, at least not yet.  However, after a working mama shared with me how she cut her grocery bill of $242 down to about $12. Yep, I’m sold.  She also told me we should not pay for toilet paper nor paper towels.  Say what? According to her, toilet paper should be Free, nada, zilch.  That sounds great seeing my children go through toilet paper in our house like it is FREE.  Speaking of Free… Let’s get to the topic at hand.

I am one of those women who tries things out first before recommending it to others.  You can be assured the links I give below are trustworthy.  Many of my freebies comes from blogs in which I have become Facebook fans with.  My first deal was a one year subscription to ESPN for my husband for about $4.  Next, I scored FREE paint from ACE hardware when they were giving away paint every Saturday during the month of March.  My first quart of yellow paint (my favorite color) called Sunshine actually covered my whole laundry room. Whoohoo!  But that is not it.  Recently, my husband and I were able to enjoy an Artisan pizza from Domino’s for you guessed it, FREE.  And to work out that pizza I earned a FREE stability ball from FITstudio by just signing up for fitness news via email.

However, there is more, Yes, so much more.  I received this beauty in the mail last week.  A FREE beauty bag of cosmetics, skin care and hair products from Target.  To get it all I had to do was “like” Target on Facebook when they were offering a sign up for the beauty bag giveaway.  I hear they do this giveaway ever so often so keep checking back on their Facebook page.

And look at this! A  box of goodies from Valspar Paint.  The company was giving away certain amounts of free paint of any color choice to online Facebook fans.  The gift box features a small can of paint, paint roller/pan and coupons to use in the future.

I can not begin to tell you how euphoric it is to get something really good for FREE.  I want to share the joy with you my friends.  Below I have a list of sites, I follow either via Facebook or blog for daily super deals.  Again, these are sites I am familiar with and have used with no problems.  If you get a really good deal or snag a Fun FREE item let me know, won’t you?

Have a fabulous time!


Here are the sites for FREE stuff:


The site touts you can find freebies, coupons and more!


On this Facebook page you can freebies, coupons, how-to’s, etc.


Jen says she can save you $54.79 or more daily.


Living large on a limited budget; Sweet who couldn’t use that!

Made with Love: The Procrastinator’s Edition

13 Feb

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow as if you did not already know.  If you have children they have probably been reminding you since last Monday.  This weekend I decided to start avoiding and start doing.  So here are a few easy Valentine ideas you can do in an hour or less.  Happy Valentine’s Day! And as a dear friend would say, “I love you, but God loves you so much more!”

In His Super Grace


First, something cute to carry all those Valentine’s home.  I found this at the Dollar Tree.  Yes, for $1, you get the box and stickers.  Of course, we added glitter(everything is better when it SPARKLES!) and added a handle so my girls can carry it like a tote. I found this ribbon wrapped around some wash clothes I purchased at Wal-Mart.  Total cost: $2(includes .99 red glitter)

Next, something pretty to wear on the day of L.O.V.E.  Have I told you how much I love glitter?  I really am a girly girl. Well, I wanted my girls to wear a cute Valentine theme shirt but really wanted it centered around Christ.  So when I could not find it, I made it.

Here is the step by step process.

I pinned my shirt down with paper clips to a cardboard. This is to make sure the shirt is smooth and does not pucker. I used a cookie cutter to trace my heart with a pencil. (I washed it before putting it back in the drawer 🙂 )

I then traced the outline of my heart with Aleen’s Tacky glue, then sprinkle red glitter over the glue.  Tacky glue does not take long to dry, shake off.   I used a ruler to draw a straight line and wrote the word “Loved” with Tacky glue and covered the area in  glitter.  I added the scripture John 3:16 in royal blue glitter under and viola! Now get this, I purchased the kids t-shirts at….wait for it, wait for it… at the Dollar Tree.  My 5 and 4 year-old are super excited to wear these on Valentine’s day!  Total cost: $1 (see below for a version in black)

Second version made with "heart" filled with glitter

I used Mod Podge on the inside of the heart, then added glitter

Finished Design

Finished Design

Now to making those class Valentine’s.  I subscribe to a lot of craft blogs by Moms.  There are so many really cool ideas.  Here is one from Blonde Designs Blog.  When you click on the link you are given a template to make lips and moustache which you attach to lollipops.  I am totally making these for my daughter’s class.  

And Finally, what about the teacher? She deserves some love too, don’t you think?  Valentine’s Day would not be complete without those faithful Conversation hearts.  I grabbed a bag from the Dollar Tree, picked out a few, added about two coats of Just pick of Mod Podge on both sides.  Once dried, take a magnet, which you can find at Michaels, add tacky glue and stick it.  I even took some extra clothes pins, added some red glitter and made those into magnets too!  Super cute!

Happy Valentine’s Day!