Mother’s Day: What this Mom Really Wants

12 May

I need to fold laundry. I need to mop the kitchen. Instead here I am writing a blog post about Mother’s Day.  I know every mom blogger has written or will write a blog post about Mother’s Day.  Well, here’s another. As a mother of a 6,4 and almost 2-year-old I usually get a lot of handmade gifts from school and church.  No complaints here. I love handmade gifts.  However, I have a list of some things that would make me a happy mama this Mother’s Day.

Here is my list in no particular order:

  1. a child who won’t puke on me or any object near me. (True story: Last Mother’s Day my son vomited all over my new outfit at church)
  2. not to referee any fights especially over a doll, ball or matter of fact any toys
  3. to sleep in past 7am on saturday
  4. To not say the following words all weekend: “stop it” “don’t do that!” “If I have to pull this car over!” “Do your ears work?” ” You got one more time!”
  5. to use the bathroom without the following happening: A) an impromptu family meeting B) Children who are thirsty and need me to fix them a drink( even though they passed Daddy in the kitchen) C) Children who say things like “We need to come in!” D) My son pressing his face and tiny fingers under the crack of the door
  6. to shower without an audience(see above)
  7. to wear my nice clothes without becoming a human napkin (Wipe Here 😦 )
  8. not being awaken at 3am because of a tummy ache resulting in my having to share my bed with my husband and a (wild sleeper) of a child.
  9. to not have surprises awaiting me when I get the little man out of the crib (I will let you use your imagination here)
  10. to not yell for my husband as if I am a teenage sister…”Will you get them to stop , please?!
  11. and finally, to get through a day without someone breaking down in tears due to the following: not liking what’s on their plate, what they are wearing, what someone else is wearing or “just because”

This is totally in humor. I love my little blessings.  I am laughing but I take my role as a mom very serious.  I have the task of shaping young women and men who will grow up and have their own family.  It is my desire to do the job well so their husbands and wives will thank God for me.  To all my Mom’s out there Happy Mother’s Day and if no one told you today, “Thank you for all you do both seen and unseen.”

So, if you could come up with your own list of Mother’s Day gifts what would be on it? Please leave a comment. I do read them.

In His Super Grace (God knows we need it)


PS. I will have a more serious post tomorrow 🙂

7 Responses to “Mother’s Day: What this Mom Really Wants”

  1. itsallthelittlemoments May 12, 2012 at 4:47 am #

    I loved your post. I have three kids: 6, 4, and 2. I was just telling my grandma during our daily talk how I wanted pretty much everything on your list for Mother’s day, but know better than to get my hopes up lol.

    • supermomdel May 12, 2012 at 5:02 am #

      Thank you! So you understand my pain, I mean my glam life. lol. Some days it seems like a hassle but I have learned God gives grace and lots of it. Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for the comment.

  2. Denise Mock May 13, 2012 at 9:26 pm #

    I love your list of things you want!!! I share the same “want list” with you!!! I would only add chocolate and sleep, sleep and more chocolate and maybe some more sleep.

    • supermomdel May 14, 2012 at 2:46 am #

      Of course, how could I forget chocolate and sleep:) Thanks for the comment… and Happy Mother’s Day!

    • supermomdel May 16, 2012 at 4:39 am #

      Denise! lol. Thank you for the comment. How could I forget chocolate! 🙂

  3. Crissie Miller Kirby May 15, 2012 at 10:36 pm #

    Ro, Ro, Ro . . .Lord, bless you – you had read my mind, didn’t you? In all seriousness, I love my kids too, but have taken to never even shutting the bathroom door when we are home alone – what’s the point? My kids are the best gift I’ve ever received and while that should be enough, the only other thing I could think to add to your list would be some appreciation from my children’s father for the job that I do every single day with the boys. A card or a phone call or a gift that says “you know what, we failed at our marriage, but you are doing a fantastic job raising our boys when I’m not around”. Plain and simple. Appreciation . . . sometimes its the best gift we can give or receive.

    • supermomdel May 16, 2012 at 4:38 am #

      Thank you for your comments Crissie! Let me say what others may not… I appreciate you! I appreciate you saying up late, dealing with runny noses, tummyaches, doctors visits, bad attitudes and raising two boys in a world that rarely supports strong boys. You are doing a fine job. I know you are rewarded daily with hugs and kisses. Remember your labor is not in vain and one day those boys will rise up and call you BLESSED(Proverbs 31:28). xoxo

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