A Great Dye Job

11 Apr

My Fashionista friend, Chanel over at Hip Candy gave an old jacket a splash of color. I really like this project for some many reasons, the idea of breathing new life in an item already in your closet, how easy it looks and how budget friendly it is to do. Check out Chanel’s buzz worthy jacket in my favorite color, which is also the HIP color of the season: Yellow.  And no worries, there is a link below withy instructions on how you too can live in color! PS. I am digging through my closet now for an old jacket. 🙂

In His Super Grace


I’ve owned this tan, cotton Old Navy jacket for a few years now, and it’s been a dependable and sturdy companion to wear with jeans, shorts or flowy summer dresses. It wasn’t until recently that I had another light bulb moment in thinking that I could make this jacket more current by adding a splash of bright color, and below are my results! I was quite pleased with them. More pics on my Instagram…  you can follow me if you feel so inclined, and the process I followed to dye my jacket is HERE (I did the washing machine method)
27 Mar

The most recent “debate” in my house…weight in and tell me what you think!

Every Woman Blog

By: Roshanda Pratt

There is a debate going on at my house, a quandary of sorts if you will.  While the world is focused on a Presidential campaign, Occupy Wall Street and March Madness, my husband and I are debating who makes the better peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Before I begin, let me state this disclaimer:  In no way am I making fun of rather serious topics happening in the world right now, however, this is my attempt at some humor.

For some time we have gone back and forth about how you should make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Our girls love PB&J for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They are PB&J groupies!  However, here is where the debate comes in:  When I make peanut butter and jelly, I am more of an equal opportunity gal. You know, spreading peanut butter on both sides of the bread…

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Happy I love you forever… to us!

19 Mar

I will admit next to my birthday month, March is my favorite time of all.  7 years ago today, I married the man who I truly believe is just for me.  We just returned from a short trip without our children.  The time was overdue.  We had a wonderful time of connecting, reviving and enjoying one another.For the past few weeks I have thought about how we got to 7 years of marriage.  7 years seems short to our parents 80 years of marriage collectively.  Whoa, that’s a long time of waking up next the same person!

Our story started at Winthrop University.  Affectionately called “The WU”. Winthrop is the place where I met several people who have changed my life in many ways.  First, my Savior, Jesus Christ, friends who later became sisters, my Pastor and his wife and my husband(that handsome guy on the left).

Boy, do I love him.  However, it’s funny to think I did not like him at first.  But, little did we know God had a plan to intertwine our lives.  Our relationship started off as a “work relationship”.  We had mutual friends involved in campus ministries.  We worked closely in helping others fulfill the vision God has placed in their hearts.  Meanwhile, we were both involved in relationships that were not the best.  Let me talk about that for a minute. To all my single ladies (in my Beyonce voice), as a born again Christian it was very important that the guy I was with loved the Lord just as much as I do.  The guy I was “dating” at the time said he’s a Christian but compromised in his relationship with the Lord, thus leading me to compromise as well.  Remember this ladies, whatever the man “is” now he will be that same person once you married.  Ultimately, I let that person go and decided I would be recklessly abandoned to Christ.  No more “dating” for me.   The time alone with Christ was awesome.  Our relationship developed during those times alone, during those times of me being focused that even now many years later I am still experiencing the benefits.

After spending time together, we joke because all of our friends in our group starting “courting” we had no other choice.  We realized our lives had changed and really we liked each other.  As I type this I still remember when I realized “I loved” this man.  I was living in Rock Hill, SC at the time with two other friends. I was standing there in my bedroom looking at my walk-in closet and suddenly felt overwhelmed.  You know the feeling you get when you have a task before you but just don’t know what to do? I became overwhelmed with the thought that this man was precious to God.  I became overwhelmed with the thought that I “sucked” at my previous relationships and never been involved in a healthy relationship with a man where sexual intimacy was not an issue. I  became overwhelmed by his story of his past relationship and did not want him to experience the feelings he had with the “other” woman.  I cried. I mean, I cried the ugly cry, fell to my knees and prayed.  at that moment I realized two things: I really loved this person from a pure place.  In my previous relationships there was still a bit of selfishness but this time I cared more about him than I did about myself. Secondly, the Lord spoke to me and said these simple word which I still remember today and shared with a dear friend when she started “courting.”

This is what I heard: ” Just be a good steward.”

Those words have wrapped around my heart from that day up until the present.  This is really the short story of our courtship.

Engagement pictures taken at Winthrop University(2004)

These last two years have been a testing ground for us.  We are both in ministry, raising three young children under 6 years of age, business owners and involved in our community.  Service is at the core of our relationship, after all it is what brought us together.  However, on my end I had to deal with some feelings that I never had before when our third child was born.  Stress and outside influences were attempting to tear us apart.  We argued, we went to bed mad some nights, I even cried myself to sleep because I “felt” like my needs were not being met.  But something happened, that changed my “mind”.   I realized I was the problem.   Yes, I was the PROBLEM!  I focused too much on what was wrong and did not concentrate on what drew me to love my husband in the first place.  I was not doing what the Lord taught me long ago, ” Just be a good steward.”  Sometime wives we have to do that even when it seems like nothing is changing! So I changed. I returned to my first love(Revelation 2:2-5).  Now, today our marriage is not perfect, however, I rather not grow towards perfection with anyone else.

So here is what I have learned in 7 years of marriage:

Wedding anniversary last year at Swan Lake(photo courtesy: DL Acken Photography)

 1. Communion:  Time with the Lord is key.  When focused on Christ and His promises, I am less consumed with thinking about what my husband is or isn’t doing.   Marriage is holy! It is a holy institution, and we must remember that.  I remember when I read that in the Love Dare  I was totally floored by that concept. I know the Lord is holy but I never equated that with my spouse.  Unfortunately, I believe people including me forget and start treating our spouse like a “dish towel”, a common object.  A “dish towel” wipes up the mess, its wet and sometimes smells, its ordinary. Our spouse is not ordinary.  They are “noble” (2 Timothy 2:20) not plain.

2. Stewardship:  We must remember our spouse is not “ours” but a gift God has entrusted to us.  It is our responsibility to take care of them as Christ would.

3. Watch Your Mouth!:  Words are powerful. You have what you say (Proverbs 18:21).  I was complaining so much about what was happening, I even did it in my prayer.  I had to speak more time speaking about where “we” were heading together, keeping that before my “spiritual eyes”.  I also learned it is very important who you allow to speak into your marriage.  The wrong words from a well-meaning person could be the lighter fluid to an already raging fire.

4. Perspective: What is really true? I had to remind myself my husband is not trying to intentionally hurt me.  I have to make a point to live in the truth, God’s word is the truth.

5. Be obedient: I think this by far has been the most important in the pass few months: I have learned to do what I believe the Lord is leading me to do. I was waiting on my husband but there are things God will speak to you do and may not speak that to your spouse. Don’t condemn them for it, just be obedient.

Since doing the above my relationship with my spouse has changed a lot.  Happy Anniversary baby, here is to 7 plus 60 more years of growing in the GREATER. I love you today, tomorrow and always.

In His Super Grace


Run Forest, Run!

6 Mar

I have not posted in a while on my “wealth to health” so here is an update. I have joined my local YMCA. I have a workout partner and attend at least two classes within two days: Three C’s(core, cardio and conditioning) and Zumba.  I really enjoy Zumba. Did you know you can burn over 1,000 calories in one class? The first time I went I left class drenched in sweat.  It was a good workout.  I still attend my weight watchers meetings.  I have discovered on Pinterest several weight watcher friendly recipes that my family enjoys. (sidenote: some I had to adjust because the point value was under the old system.)   I have changed my eating habits and started drinking more water.  I had a “bad” weight in.  Not sure if you can call it “bad”. I gained a pound, not sure how because my pants are literally falling off.  I am losing inches and that is fine with me.  I am not stressing anymore over the number on the scale.  This is the best I have felt and looked in a long time.  My family is even starting to notice.  My parents came to visit and complimented me on losing weight.  You must understand that is huge coming from my rather vocal west indian parents. 

Then on yesterday I had another discovery.  I ran. Yes, while on my walk in the park as I was listening to worship music, I felt a prompting to run.  My first thought was how? You are probably thinking just get your feet moving.  oh, if it could be that easy.  But I can not remember the last time I just ran without chasing or lunging for my active 1-year-old son. My second thought, what if people see me? You know breathing heavy, arms flailing about like I am having a seizure not so pretty. Again, I felt the urging stronger now to just run. I know it was Christ speaking to me.  One thing I KNOW in all my years of being a born again Christian is when God is prompting me to do something that is outside my comfort zone.  Usually, this call to action is bigger than me and more often than not has spiritual ramifications. So I abandoned all self-doubt, fear and thoughts about others and I ran… and ran… and ran. My chest was tight, burning like I just swallowed gasoline, my legs ached but I RAN.  Within my one mile walk, I ran at least three times.  I may have looked like a sloppy mess but at least I did it.  There is a reward for when you are obedient to the Lord.  Towards the end of my time at the park, I threw my hands in the air, abandoning now all thoughts of who is around me and completely without shamed starting thanking God for the ability to run.  Oh, how we take the little things for granted! Immediately, I had this thought, I would actually do that again, run that is.  There is so much the Lord has taught me during this season of my “wealth of health” about Him, I one day hope to write more about it.  Until then, I am enjoying my Rocky Balboa moment and pray you have one today too.

In His Super Grace


Rocky Balboa

DIY ABC Art Work for Nursery

2 Mar
 Happy freestyle Friday! I am so excited about todays craft idea because it has to deal with welcoming a new baby.  I love babies! How they smell, their tiny feet and hands and oh how peaceful they look when sleeping.  Well, I am helping a friend welcome her little girl in the world.  I wanted to create something for the nursery.  I spotted a DIY project by fellow blogger Le Zoe Musings. You’ve gotta to check out her little girls nursery.  It puts my bedroom to shame! Her instructions which I have below are easy to follow(see my version below). I just modified a bit, I used a Dollar Tree picture frame which I painted white. I also scored sticky letters from Michaels for $1.25 on sale. And to highlight the baby’s name I painted my letters with acrylic paint. What do you think?










The following are Le Zoe Musings. Directions via her blog.

Ok. So I know this word has been redundant in my blog but this project really is SIMPLE! Every nursery needs an ABC artwork so why not integrate your baby’s name into it and make it personalized?

It started with a black frame that I got from Ikea’s AS IS section. I had no use for it but b/c it was dirt cheap, I figured I would use it ‘someday.’ Surely enough, I did and it serves its purpose fairly well!

I had to paint the frames stark white b/c nothing in Zoey’s room is black.

Got these white glitter (subtle) letters from Michaels. They always have 40% off coupons on their website so print them out and utilize them.

From my scrapbook stock paper collection, I chose a pale pink as the background and a patterned blue as the letters for Zoey’s name.

A quick glance at the color combo of the artwork and I approved!

Lay the letters out onto the frame so you can have an idea of how it’ll look.

For Zoey’s name, I traced the letters of her name onto the blue card stock and cut them out.

Have fun doing this for your little one. However, zif your child is old enough to spell his/her name this would be a fun project to do with them. Creative bonding time!

To see where this cute artwork lives, please visit Zoey’s Nursery Boutique!

Til next post, Kellie.

The Unfriendly World of Facebook

27 Feb

Let’s face the facts, it can be a cruel and rather lonely in the world of social media.   In 421 characters or less you can get on your soapbox , becoming a “preacher” of sorts to an online congregation.   People type in that little status box, hit the share button without even thinking twice.  Afterall, it is our opinion, right?  Well, I have heard it said best, “Opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one.”  Most recently, a friend of mine left the “happy” world of Facebook.  Her reason: it was toxic.  How can that be? It’s not like your status update is not being shared with people you know, these folks are your friends, right?  Well, not really.  Especially if you are going against the dominating thought of the person who posted or commented in that little blue box.  On more than one occasion, I’ve heard the stories of people being “unfriended” by relatives or long time friends because of a difference in belly buttons, I mean opinions.  Most recently, a friend of a friend called me “a fool and ignorant”  because of a comment I made about a politically charged situation.  Even as I write this, I have thought about saying farewell to my list of one thousand “friends” due to the negativity and down right silliness of it all.  Then I thought, wait, I knew how these people were before I accepted their friend request.  It should come as no surprise to their lack of dissection, character and so on. I allowed them to enter into my world.   I have experienced people break-up, make-up, fall-out, and air-out(their dirty laundry) all in the sake of a “status update.”  I can tell you now most of those people were “unfriended.” 

However, not everything is bad out here in Facebook land.  For example, on my wall I solicited prayer requests.  Emails from friend flooded my inbox.  Ah, yes, this was a good day as the Lord gave me the opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ. Facebook has also given me the chance to stay connected with my family in the West Indies without picking up the phone. Yes, I think we can all name at least one good which has come out of being on social media.

Another one of those things are boundaries.  I have found it pertinent in this social media realm to set “rules” of sort to deal with people who really try to “test” my Jesus.  Here are my rules:

  1. Pick your battles:  Before posting, I ask myself the following: Do I need to respond to this post? Often times you have to consider the source, the person who posted.  Are they attention seeking, trouble makers or ignorant.
  2. Hide and Seek:  There is a cool option Facebook offers where you can hide a person’s post.  If you are passionate about certain issues and to see a certain person’s comments cause your angst, right-click and Hide the comment.
  3. Avoid, Avoid and Avoid: I have decided when a political debate, celebrity death or any other big news story is happening, I avoid Facebook.  NO matter, how tempting I do.not.log.on!
  4. Consider the Friendship:  I take full responsibility for the people I call my “friends”.  I hit the “confirm” button so I must take total responsibility.  Earlier this year, I had to “unfriend” a relative after some rather vulgar posts. I decided I could not just hide her post, she had to go altogether. I don’t use profanity, tell dirty jokes, and the alike and I will not tolerate it in my news feed. 

Ultimately, we must have a belief system and  never compromise it.  Since implementing I have been less stressed.  Now there are some things I rather do without, however, when someone breaks the rules, I am not afraid to stand up and speak.  After all, this is my space and I have a right to protect it. 

Let’s hear from you.   Do you have any recommendations to handle the varies personalities of  Facebook? Please share.

In His Super Grace


24 Feb

Happy Freestyle Friday: Super Cute idea I found from a fellow Mom blogger. I am attending a baby shower this weekend. I may add this to my gift. enjoy!

Ok. So I know this word has been redundant in my blog but this project really is SIMPLE! Every nursery needs an ABC artwork so why not integrate your baby’s name into it and make it personalized?

It started with a black frame that I got from Ikea’s AS IS section. I had no use for it but b/c it was dirt cheap, I figured I would use it ‘someday.’ Surely enough, I did and it serves its purpose fairly well!

I had to paint the frames stark white b/c nothing in Zoey’s room is black. 

Got these white glitter (subtle) letters from Michaels. They always have 40% off coupons on their website so print them out and utilize them. 

From my scrapbook stock paper collection, I chose a pale pink as the background and a patterned blue as the letters for Zoey’s name.  

A quick glance at the…

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23 Feb

So overjoyed for my friend and fellow blogger Staci Rutherford. She stepped out of the familiar so can you. What do you need to make some forward steps in? Let her story inspire you!

Every Woman Blog

By:  Staci Rutherford

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch

I found this quote months ago and it made me stop and think about where I am in my life, and where I want to be.  I have many goals that I want to accomplish, but often struggle with determining what to do first.  My time management and procrastination issues often leave me wondering how I will get it all done.  I follow a group of bloggers who are my source of motivation, because they are living a life doing what they love.  I have already established my love of handbags, and nothing would make me happier than turning my passion into a profitable business and life-long career.  Since my last post, I finally made the first move.

Before I share my exciting news, I must acknowledge two dynamic women who have come into…

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What Your Poop and Pee Are Telling You About Your Body

17 Feb
I read this blog post which orginated by Kimberly Snyder.  It talks about umm, well, what you do in the bathroom.
If your poop looked “normal,” but were too embarrassed to ask anyone else what their poop looks like? Or has your pee ever smelled a bit putrid but you were too mortified to utter a word to your best friend, let alone your boy friend? Poop is an important part of health and affects your beauty, as everything in your body works as an interrelated system. Well don’t worry, because here is a guide to anything and everything you may have wondered about your pee, and yes, your poop. 

These “Sneaks” Are Made for Walking

16 Feb

It’s official. I am one of “those” people at the gym.  You’ve seen them.  They are the ones with matching shorts and shirt, clean crisp towel, gym bag in hand  and of course the footwear… Ah, yes, they are the ones with the extra fancy, super-duper supportive sneakers.  I have said this time around since I am serious about my workout I would become one of “those” people. My husband surprised me this weekend with a pair of Fuchsia and Black Reeboks.  They are so FLY! (By the way, does anyone say FLY anymore? lol.)  I was telling him after my workout last week how I was in desperate need of a new pair of sneakers.  On Friday night after our “date” night with the kiddos, he surprised me with a shoe box on my dresser. On another note: we have started this “friendly” competition of seeing who can outdo the other, he has won for now but oh wait until my Valentine’s Day surprise.) 

These sneakers are going to come in handy since I have worn a pair of old, tired Nike’s and  Curves sneakers that really don’t have much traction.  I am not a sneaker girl.  In fact, I really don’t know how to buy sneakers.  Ever since I can remember I have always loved heels. I remember the day it happened. I was watching Three’s company with my mother and Crissy came walking out in cork wedged heels and shorts. I kept looking and thinking how much I admired how long and lean she looked and how beautiful those heels looked.  And the rest is history.  I can buy heels like you wouldn’t believe but when it comes to casual shoes like sneakers I am totally sneaker illiterate.  Thank God for my husband.  Today’s workout was much better since having my new footwear.  The only problem is breaking them in.  During my first cardio class the sneakers and I were doing a Tango.  Both trying to figure out who was in the lead.  By the time I got to Zumba class we both were on the same page.   Apparently, having the right shoes is essential to any workout. Check out this story, WIS-News 10, a local television station did about having the “right” running shoes.  Running (sigh) something I hope to do one day.

Zero to 5K: On the importance of footwear

In His Super Grace
