Tag Archives: writing prompt

Reading, Writing & Arithmetic: What I do not miss about school

25 May

Little “Ro” as a 5th grader, at least I think. It was so long ago.

This week’s writing prompt from Mama Kat’s poses the following question: What about school do you miss the least?  How apropos (check me out using my SAT words) as my 6-year-old graduates from Kindergarten this week. I always enjoyed school.  People laugh when I tell them I really enjoy learning. You can laugh now too.  Seriously, even now in my thirties, I enjoy learning new things, storing the info in my brain so I can later share it with others.  Nerdy, yes but it has been beneficial in those awkward moments on the elevator (Here’s a random fact: Did you know: A mosquito has 47 teeth.  And only female mosquitoes bite, they need protein from the blood or their eggs? Feel free to use the next time you are at the family cookout. Special thanks to Random Facts.)Well let me get straight to the point.  I do not like Math.  As a child it just seems like I could never wrap my brain around subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, calculus. I hated it. I actually would get a sinking feeling in my stomach.  You can imagine I was just as sadden when I discovered in college as a mass communication major I had to take statistics and macro economics.  Really? Torture. And it seems every time I had a math class it always involved the hardest teacher ever! For example,  my first year taking stats, my teacher was known as “Terminating Turner”.  She had a reputation of actually preventing Seniors from graduating.  She was known for giving pop quizzes with one problem.  Rarely wrote on the board and would not go above and beyond to work with you.  I shudder just to think about that woman.  I had to take that class over.  The next year I had a biker chick named Robin. She insisted we called her by her first name. Robin was cool but she was very supportive.  She stayed after class, held office hours and had an attitude that she really wanted me to get this and not glory in tormenting me in this subject. I passed stats that year with a “C”. Hallelujah!As a thirty-something mother of 3, I still don’t like math all that much. Matter of fact, when my husband and I newlyweds, we met with a financial consultant, I refused.  Talking about money with results in talking about math still is not fun.  However, I enjoy being a business owner and talking about profits, which again involves math. Umm, maybe I am growing up.Anyway, my  6-year-old has discovered the wonderful world of math this year.  She is smart cookie. I know I could be bias. However, some of the math problems have been difficult, especially when you have to plug-in the missing number.  For example: 3+blank=7. I saw her frustration. I even got frustrated at times too.  But one thing I had to keep reminding myself is to “not making her hate it.”  I remember as a child my parents sitting with me at the table going over math problems.  My parents became frustrated because I was not getting it, I became frustrated because my thought was “why doesn’t my brain work.” From that point I started to hate math.  So, I had to get in it with her and even though I rather do reading comprehension(Reading/English were my favorite subjects) I had to help her push pass “the hate” and see that with a little time and effort she could get through it.  And we did! Thank you Lord!This week’s writing prompt has me looking at things differently. Instead of saying I hate math maybe now that I have grown up I can say I do not enjoy math but can appreciate why we have to learn it. Now that is maturity speaking there folks(haha).

Now it is your turn. What do you miss least about school? Go ahead and fuss up.

In His Super Grace
