Tag Archives: women blog


7 May

A show of hands, has anyone else noticed that losing weight is not easy?  How about when you are over 30?  It is like my metabolism is staging a boycott yelling..”Heck no, We won’t go!”.  I have been on my wealth of health journey since last Thanksgiving.  By now I want the numbers on the scale to say less but the “fat” is slooooowly coming off. And I do mean slow. It’s frustrating.  At times, you almost feel like giving up. My self talk: I could try some quick fad diet and lose record weight in little to no time but what would that do?  For me, taking me right back in the place of never really learning the act of discipline.  If you are a parent isn’t this what we attempt to convey to our children.  No shortcuts, no easy routes, do it right the first time, give it all you’ve got!  Yep, as a mother of three children under the age of 6 years old. I had to swallow my pill today of “easy.”

Two weeks ago was a tough one.  I had an emotional charged situation and instead of expressing how I felt I turned to my old faithful companion:Food. I binged for two days as I processed what I had to deal with.  The hard reality after seven months of doing it “right” I went  back to my old habits.  I was disgusted with myself.  And I could feel it that Monday at the gym.  I felt alone. mad. sad. defeated.  I knew in that moment how a drug addict felt.  I did what I only knew how to do. I prayed. Yes, I prayed about my lack of discipline.  I had to put it on the altar so God could consume my issues with food.  I am encouraged to know God answers when His daughter calls.

In my time I learned a few things: I am not looking for a quick fix.  This is my way of life.  I have gone from never exercising to having a regular workout regime.  It will take time for my body and mind to get use to that.  I need accountability.  I can no longer be the lone ranger.  Just as a new believer in Christ I allowed people to teach, direct and hold me to the fire, I must have that same attitude in this “new” life.  And lastly, I have to renew my mind to food, exercise and my overall health.

My first step was to reach out to my workout partner “Beth” especially when I feel like down a whole case of Oreo cookies.  This is a huge step for me.  I am use to “taking care” of everything for everyone.  To admit I may need some help especially to someone who I am still getting to know made me vulnerable.  I need accountability.  I also decided to speak with someone about nutrition.  I can’t doing all this work and “eating” it back up. And finally, I decided to share my fitness goals with you. I am a transparent person, at least I would like to think so but the following let’s the world know what’s in my heart. (deep breath, so here it is goes)

  • lose 45 pounds
  • better relationship with food and money(will explain later)
  • run/walk in a 5k( a walk or run)
  • mud run (I know I have lofty goals)
  • learn how to swim this summer
  • wear a bathing suit
  • build endurance
  • stick with it

I am so grateful to all of you who send words of encouragement.  Please know I do not take it lightly.  Your encouragement has been the push I needed many days.  Along with the support of “Beth”, family and friends. I can say I am a blessed woman.  There are some “haters” but they only drive me not to quit.  My faith in Christ has been a great asset on those days when encouragement may seem far and few between.  Here are the two scriptures I am quoting this week.  I especially was saying the first during my first ever 6 mile walk/run last week.

But the one who endures to the end will be saved.  Matthew 24:13 NLT

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Hebrews 6:12 NIV